How to Solve ANY Money Problem

This week we discuss a difficult topic… Money Problems. Check out my solution now!




If you are watching this video, and you are dealing with a money problem in your business or in your personal life, it is my hope that this video will change your perspective. We are talking about how to solve any money problem. Before we get to the solution, I want to share with you three simple truths about money. These are three simple ideas about money that most people do not realize.

Truth #1. All money problems are solvable. This is a huge realization, because many people just accept money problems are a part of life. They are not. Money problems can be solved and you can eliminate them from your life. Money is unique in this way, because other problems in life are not like this. You will always have medical problems, relationship problems, political problems. You will deal with those problems for the rest of your life. Money problems are different. If you start making fiscally responsible decisions, money problems will start to evaporate. If you have adequate savings, a budget, retirement, insurance, investments, your money problems start to go away. My point is simply to get you to realize it is possible to eliminate money problems from your life.

Truth #2. All solutions to money problems are simple. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by money problems. A lot of things about money is complicated, but the solutions are simple. It requires fiscally responsible decisions. The only reason why people do not solve their money problems, is because the simple solution is difficult. Fiscally responsible decisions usually require self-discipline, sacrifice, and hard work. Most people are not willing to do that. But do not fool yourself into thinking the simple solution is not there. I do not know what your money problem is, but I will give you a list of solutions right now:

  • Stop eating out
  • Stop spending so much money
  • Get a second job
  • Move into a smaller house
  • Sell your car and take public transportation

I know these are things no one wants to do. But you have to realize, there are solutions and they are all pretty simple.

Truth #3. The problem is not the money. The problem is YOU. You have ownership over these problems. It is not someone else’s fault, it is not the economy, and it is not politicians. It is up to you. Whether you have money in your life, is a reflection of the choices you make. If you see someone driving down the street in a nice car, that person probably has spent decades making fiscally responsible choices. That is why he has that car. If you are having money problems, you need to take a hard look at the choices you are making in your life. Are you making choices that lead to more money or less money. This is inspirational. If you are the problem, you are also the solution. You have the power to change your situation. If you do not like that you have no money, go out there and change it. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen. You have to start making the choices that lead to money.

Now I have told you the three truths about money you need to know.

  • Truth #1. All money problems are solvable.
  • Truth #2. All solutions to money problems are simple.
  • Truth #3. The problem is not the money. The problem is YOU.

Now I am going to tell you the solution to all money problems. If someone were to give me a 3×5 card and tell me to write down everything someone needed to know about money, I would take that card and write out one word: Courage. The solution to all money problems is to have courage. Please hear me out, because this can change your life.

Courage is the first step to solving any money problem. Money problems are scary. When people get scared, they try to push their money problems away and not deal with them. I know what money problems are like. When I started my career, I had nothing. I know what it is like to wonder how you will make your rent payment next month. It is scary. How many of you know what it is like to get a bill in the mail and be too afraid to open it? The way to overcome that fear is with courage. I have made a lot of YouTube videos about money. You can have all this accounting knowledge, but it does not matter if you do not have the courage to face the problem. The real secret to money is understanding this personal process of facing your fears, taking ownership of your situation, and doing something about it. And above all else, that takes courage. Open that envelope you have been dreading, sit down and make a plan, do some research, make the hard life choices, and set yourself down a path to financial freedom.

In your life, you will meet people called Accountants. Accountants are there to help people along this process. Accountants are just like everyone else, except they do not get as scared about money. The reason for this is because they have spent so many years studying money, so it is not as scary anymore. For the Accountants watching this, you have an amazing opportunity. Your opportunity is to teach people, guide them, and eliminate money problems from their lives. The real gift is when you remove money problems from someone’s life. When you take away the stress and roadblocks, you are left with freedom. The freedom to follow your dreams and focus on all the other great aspects of life.


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Neither Zach De Gregorio or Wolves and Finance Inc. shall be liable for any damages related to information in this video. It is recommended you contact a CPA in your area for business advice.