Great money tip!

Hello all,

I just wanted to share a great money tip. This is a simple idea that works if you are a small business or just for your personal finances. So here it is…

*Check your bank statement every day.

This should only take you 5 minutes a day, but can have a tremendous impact. With everything automated these days, it is easy to hide from your finances. I’ve noticed that few people even balance their checkbooks anymore. A quick review of your transactions once a day helps you keep a better eye on your money. If you try this, you will notice two things happen:

1. You start making better financial choices
2. You gain peace of mind from always knowing your financial position.
What you are ultimately doing is raising your financial awareness. I challenge you to try it for 30 days and see the impact.

I hope this helps. If any of you try this, write me and let me know what you think!

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