FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I change the way my name is listed on the website?

You are in control of how your name appears on the website. Your profile page lists both your first name and your “Nickname.” But you can change both these fields to anything you want.

  1. Click on the icon on the top right of the screen.
  2. Hover over the “Profile” field and you will see an option to “Edit.” Click that.
  3. The next screen will allow you to change your first name or nickname.

2. How can I change my payment card information?

You can change your payment card information yourself on the website through your profile page. Select “Membership” and “Subscriptions.” At the right side of the screen there are three dots with a drop down menu. Select “Update” and it will give you the option to change your payment card information. For security reasons, all payment card information is handled by the payment card processor and Wolves and Finance does not have access to anyone’s credit card number.

3. How do I cancel my membership?

You can cancel at anytime yourself on the website through your profile page. If you have any issues, you can also email Zach through the website and he can cancel your membership.

4. Can you give me investing advice?

Unfortunately, Zach does not provide any financial advising services or give investment recommendations.

5. Do you provide Consulting? Tax services? Accounting services?

Unfortunately, Zach is not taking any new clients at this time.

6. Can we talk on the phone?

Unfortunately, Zach is unable to take phone calls right now, but feel free to send any tips through email on the website.