Dreams and Business

This week we talk about your dreams! Watch now!



Today we are talking about your dreams. When you go to business school, you learn about a lot of different subjects. You learn about financial markets, marketing, accounting records, but no one ever asks you the question “what are your dreams?” I am making this video, because I want to make sure people realize how important this question is for business.

Let me ask all of you a question. What are we all doing here? If you are watching my channel, you are probably a high performer working in a business organization. You are going into work every day and performing a set of tasks. But what is the point of those tasks? I want you to look at the big picture. When you are working in an organization, no matter what capacity you are in, you are working to take $1 and turn it into $2. Business is the process of value creation. You are taking resources and combining them in a way that creates value for your customer. Business is about progress. It is about making things better. It is about improving the world. That is what you are doing when you walk into your job.

Here is where dreams come in. We just talked about how business is the process of value creation. But what is driving this process? The answer is your dreams. Dreams are the fuel of business. It all starts with a dream. You might have a dream for a better product. You might have a dream to provide a service better than someone else. You might have an idea for a new technology that does not exist yet. It all starts with a dream, and then someone building a business to accomplish that dream. So all the things we talk about in business school (like progress and economic growth) all starts with a dream.

I want to talk specifically to the accountants here. Understanding this concept, fundamentally changes your job. Your job is not about writing financial statements or performing journal entries. An Accountant’s job is to enable people to achieve their dreams. Realizing this takes that set of financial statements to a whole other level. You are working with a team of people who all have dreams on how to achieve progress for your organization. You are there to help them allocate resources in a fiscally responsible way, to help them achieve their goals.

I am going to lay this all out in a very simple way. It starts with a dream on how to improve something about the world. You build some business process to implement that dream. Once value is created for society, people will give you money. That is the process: Dream, business, money. Accountants are there to help people along as they navigate this path.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Your dreams are everything. Dreams are the whole game of business. I want to ask each and every one of you, “what is your dream?” Every one of us has dreams, but too often people do not go after their dreams. You need to realize how much value you could create for society by pursuing your dreams. It is as if every person had a check for $1 Million sitting in your pocket, and most people do not even know it is there. That check is your dream. All you have to do to cash that check, is to pull it out of your pocket and show your dream to the world.

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Neither Zach De Gregorio or Wolves and Finance Inc. shall be liable for any damages related to information in this video. It is recommended you contact a CPA in your area for business advice.

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