Get Your DREAM Job – Part 4 of 5 (Limiting Beliefs)

In this video, I talk about how important your beliefs are to land your dream job!



This video is step 3 on how to get your dream job. Just to recap where we’ve been at:

  • Build your resume
  • Enhance your current job description
  • Believe

This third step is extremely important. Dream jobs are not your normal typical job. So it will seem like everyone in your life will tell you that getting your dream job is not possible. Step 3 says it does not matter what everyone else says. All that matters is that YOU think it is possible.

When I was growing up, the greatest gift my parents gave to me, was they would tell me, “Zach, you can do anything you want in life.” And they would tell me this over and over and over again. And now that I look back on my childhood, it’s actually kind of strange that they would tell me this. My family did not have any money. We did not have any connections. No one in my entire extended family had a college degree. So for me to do “anything” I wanted in life, there was a lot of hurdles I had to overcome. Just statistically speaking, making my dreams come true was not very likely. But for whatever reason, my parents told me over and over and over again “You can do anything you want in life.”

What I realize now, was that gift was worth more than all the money in the world. Because I grew up with the belief firmly planted in my mind that anything was possible. If I could dream it, I could achieve it. Now that I am older and I look around at other people, I realize that most people do not have that. Most people’s parents tell them what careers they should choose, and what careers they should not choose. Most parent’s encourage their kids to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, or go into the family business all out of good intentions. The problem is most people grow up thinking they should not follow their dreams, and that is what we call limiting beliefs. And all these beliefs are holding you back from getting your dream job.

And it is not just your parents, it is everybody in your life. Everyone is going to tell you, you can not do it. They will try and tear you down. You will have haters. So you have to hang on to your belief that you can make your dreams come true. The reason you have this dream in your mind is that you know what value you can bring to the world. And it is up to you to make that dream a reality.

I want to share a story to show how this plays out in your career in a practical way. At this point in my career, I had been in the working world for a while. And I had been focusing more and more on accounting. So I wanted to go back to school to get a masters and a CPA. So this was about 7 years ago, when I went back to school to get an MBA. At the time, in order to graduate you had to write a business plan. And I took this project very seriously. And I asked myself the question, “What did I really want to do in the next phase of my career.” I could have gone back to Hollywood. I could have gone to work for an investment bank. I could have gone to work for a Fortune 500 company. I had so many options, but what did I really want to do. And the answer I came up with was space travel. So I wrote my business plan on how to send people into space and make money at it. And I was laughed out of the classroom. But here is the thing. What I wrote down on that piece of paper all those years ago, is exactly what I am doing today. I work in the commercial space industry working on sending people into space.

So that is the point I want to get across. Believe in the power of your dreams. Write them down. Whatever you want to make a reality, start working towards it. I am not saying it is going to be easy, or that you will not have to make sacrifices. But it is possible. And stop listening to all these other people. It is not their life. It is your life. Even if your parents have never told you, or your coworkers have never told you, I am telling you: You can do anything you want in life.

So those are the three steps:

  • Build your resume
  • Enhance your current job description
  • Believe

If you follow these steps throughout your career, you will find yourself in a job that you are happy going into work every day. You will be engaged and fulfilled with your work. That is a dream job. This is hard work, and it may take you a decade to get there. But you will get there. If you work towards it, it is only a matter of time.

So there is one more video in this video series, and that talks about what happens when you get your dream job. This is something you need to be prepared for, so stay tuned for that.

If you think believing in your dreams is important, leave a comment down below letting me know what you think. And come back for the final video in this series.

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Neither Zach De Gregorio or Wolves and Finance Inc. shall be liable for any damages related to information in this video. It is recommended you contact a CPA in your area for business advice.

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