Why Attitude Matters (Career Advice)

In this video I share the story about when I learned attitude matters!


So I wanted to tell a story that happened to me early in my career. This was one of those moments that I have carried with me throughout my whole career. This was one of my first jobs. I was in college at the time and so this was a job I had over one summer. I must have been 19 at the time. I was a waiter at a small Italian restaurant. This was one of those family run restaurants in a strip mall in Arizona.

Now I got to say, I was a horrible waiter. I was just terrible. Thank goodness I am a good accountant, because I just could not make it as a waiter. I think waiting tables is a hard job. You have to remember everyone’s order, manage multiple tables at the same time, and I was always dropping things.

What was the most memorable thing about this whole experience, was I had this one co-worker. I don’t even remember her name. But I will always remember her. She was a natural waitress. Have you ever seen a waitress, that was just so good at the job? She was having a good time, the guests were having a good time, and she kept track of all the orders. It all seemed so easy for her. And she would make so many tips.

So one day, I asked her, “how are you so good at this job? I am really struggling. It is so hard. And you just make it seem so easy?” and she said, “well, are you having fun?” I said, “Fun? What? I’m getting the orders, I’m taking them to the kitchen, I’m getting the drinks? What are you talking about?” She said, “If you just have fun, it shows.”

This has always stuck with me. Because it shows that attitude matters. She had this incredible attitude about her job. And these weren’t great jobs. These were low level, low paying jobs. But she had a great attitude, and that made all the difference in the world. I am sure we have all walked into a business and seen a worker who just had a bad attitude. You can spot them a mile away. Well, that was me in this waiting job. I had a bad attitude, and it made the job so difficult. A job is not just performing a task, it is also the attitude. And attitude matters a lot.

The other takeaway I would suggest from this. It doesn’t matter what job you have, you can always learn something valuable. You could be mopping floors somewhere and you pick up on a life lesson that helps you one day to become CEO of a major corporation. That’s how careers are built. You start out not knowing anything, and each step along the way, you pick up more insights. So if you are in a low level job somewhere, take the opportunity to see what you can learn that will take you to the next level in your career.

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Neither Zach De Gregorio or Wolves and Finance Inc. shall be liable for any damages related to information in this video. It is recommended you contact a CPA in your area for business advice.

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